Buffet European
minimum order 30 pax
for 30 pax
for 1 pax
Bread and butter
Assorted breads and butter variety
750 25
Roast beef
Thin sliced roast beef
1500 50
Parma ham melon
Old-timer on most of the menus worldwide, Parma ham in with cantaloupe melon
1500 50
Potato salad (with bacon bits on mayonnaise base) 1800 60
Pasta salad 1800 60
Mixed seafood cocktail
Prawns, mussels and squid combined with 1000 island sauce
2100 70
Tomato soup
Spiced tomato soup à la chef Bart
3000 100
Roast Pork loin
Juicy roast pork loin with red wine thyme sauce and mustard
3600 120
Chicken ragout with mushrooms
Creamy mixture from chicken and mushrooms
2400 80
Steamed rice 2400 80
Roasted potato 2100 70
Glazed carrots 1500 50
Green beans 1500 50
Straw berry bavarois 30glass
Pudding from strawberries and whip cream with a touch of shaved almonds
1800 60
Mango mousse 30 glass
Pudding from mango white chocolate and whipping cream
1800 60
Fruit salad 30 glass
A fruit medley of seasonal fruits
1800 60
Total gram per person   1,105  
Total gram for 30 persons 33,150